Why Truck Insurance Needed?
The Need Is Real
Owner, owner-driver or a fleet operator, owning just one vehicle or many; insurance is needed not just because it is a legal mandate but to that fact that your heavy truck vehicle comes with an investment that needs to be protected and insured.
Comprehensive. Competitive. Cost-effective
Irrespective of the size of your transport truck operator business, you will need prime mover truck insurance to safeguard your hard earned assets, and the significant money you have put to own the same. Best Truck insurance ensures to provide you with what works best for your business.
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Everything That A Transport Operator Needs
Best Truck Insurance is one of Australia’s trusted truck insurance companies known for their commitment to their customers, and their expertise when it comes to insurance for all kinds of heavy vehicle trucks and trailers.
- Comprehensive cover
- Competitive prices with no hidden charges
- Australia wide network
- Flexible payments options (via premium funding) to assist cash flows
- Includes all type of trucks and heavy vehicles
Frequently Asked Questions
How long would it take a get a prime mover truck insurance quote and get a cover?
It will depend on what you are looing to insure and the nature of truck insurance policy you are wanting to take. You can have quotes within 1-2 days, if all the required information is submitted.What are some of the factors that may influence the premium amounts for a prime mover truck insurance?
• Type of truck
• Type of goods carried
• Radius of operator
• Driving experience and claims history
• Excess applicable
• Fine prints that come with every policy including terms, conditions and some specific exclusions
How much can taking truck insurance policy cost?
The value truck insurance can be determined based on:
• Type of trucks and their value
• Where truck is driven and if they travel across borders limits
• The business activities of your transport business and the scope of carrying accident-prone freight or visit extreme locations
• The drivers you employ, their credibility, age and experience